Pengurus Cabang Badan Khusus Haji dan Umroh Nahdlatul Ulama' (BKHU NU) Kabupaten Kendal

A large crowd of people standing around a building at night

Wujudkan niat anda bersama "NU Umroh"

Dedikasi Kami Kepada Nahdlatul Ulama' untuk Memberikan Bimbingan kepada Jamaah Menuju Ibadah Umroh yang Mabrur, Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah, serta memberikan kontribusi nyata untuk kemaslahatan bersama.

mari umroh
mari umroh

8 Alasan memilih NU Umroh

Mitra Berpengalaman

Kami bermitra dengan penyedia jasa perjalanan umroh terpercaya dan berpengalaman yang telah melayani ribuan jemaah ke Tanah Suci.

Pelayanan Profesional

Tim kami berdedikasi memberikan pelayanan ramah dan profesional, mendampingi Anda dari awal pendaftaran hingga kembali ke Tanah Air.

Prioritas Kenyamanan

Kami memastikan akomodasi nyaman dan transportasi aman, sesuai standar perjalanan ibadah yang khusyuk.

Pendamping Bersertifikasi

Seluruh pendamping ibadah kami tersertifikasi, berpengalaman, dan siap membantu Anda melaksanakan ibadah sesuai tuntunan.

Akomodasi Strategis

Kami bekerja sama dengan akomodasi terpercaya yang berlokasi strategis di Masjidil Haram dan Nabawi.

Pendaftaran Mudah

Proses pendaftaran mudah melalui layanan online atau konsultasi langsung dengan tim kami.

Izin Resmi Terjamin

Mitra kami beroperasi di bawah izin resmi Kementerian Agama dan memiliki rekam jejak terpercaya.

Mendukung Kemandirian

Setiap perjalanan Anda mendukung kemajuan kami untuk melayani umat dengan lebih baik.

A large gathering of people surrounds the Kaaba at night, illuminated by artificial lights. Many individuals are dressed in traditional pilgrimage attire. The backdrop includes construction cranes and partially lit modern structures.
A large gathering of people surrounds the Kaaba at night, illuminated by artificial lights. Many individuals are dressed in traditional pilgrimage attire. The backdrop includes construction cranes and partially lit modern structures.


Lihat momen perjalanan umroh dan haji kami yang berkesan.

A large gathering of people dressed in traditional white garments surrounding the Kaaba, a significant religious structure, with a partially cloudy sky and tall minarets in the background.
A large gathering of people dressed in traditional white garments surrounding the Kaaba, a significant religious structure, with a partially cloudy sky and tall minarets in the background.
A group of people dressed in white robes gather around the Kaaba, a cube-shaped structure draped in black cloth with gold Arabic script. The scene captures the spiritual atmosphere of a holy place with architectural elements visible in the background.
A group of people dressed in white robes gather around the Kaaba, a cube-shaped structure draped in black cloth with gold Arabic script. The scene captures the spiritual atmosphere of a holy place with architectural elements visible in the background.
A large group of people surrounds the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque, with pilgrims wearing traditional white garments and workers in blue uniforms. There are multiple cranes visible in the background, indicating ongoing construction. The sky is partly cloudy, adding contrast to the scene.
A large group of people surrounds the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque, with pilgrims wearing traditional white garments and workers in blue uniforms. There are multiple cranes visible in the background, indicating ongoing construction. The sky is partly cloudy, adding contrast to the scene.
A large group of individuals dressed in white gather around the ornate, gold-embroidered door of the Kaaba. The black fabric covering the Kaaba is adorned with intricate Arabic calligraphy in gold.
A large group of individuals dressed in white gather around the ornate, gold-embroidered door of the Kaaba. The black fabric covering the Kaaba is adorned with intricate Arabic calligraphy in gold.
A crowd of people performing the Tawaf, a religious ritual, around the Kaaba in Mecca. The atmosphere is busy and reverent, with men and women dressed predominantly in white robes.
A crowd of people performing the Tawaf, a religious ritual, around the Kaaba in Mecca. The atmosphere is busy and reverent, with men and women dressed predominantly in white robes.
informasi nasionalinformasi nasional
informasi daerahinformasi daerah

Jl. Raya Soekarno – Hatta No.303, Kendal, Pegulon, Kendal, Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah 51313

Konsultasi Ibadah Umroh

Setiap hari 09:00 - 18:00 WIB (kecuali hari libur nasional)
